Donate to CBF South Carolina

Giving to the ministries and missions of CBF South Carolina

CBF South Carolina (CBFSC) encourages individuals and churches to send all contributions to and through our office, even if they are pass-through gifts to a partner organization.   CBFSC honors all designated contributions, including honor and memorial gifts, and will forward any and all pass-through contributions to partner organizations on the donor’s behalf.

A remittance form (create a link to this document) is available for church finance administrators to use in sending contributions to and through CBFSC.  This form can be downloaded, customized, and printed on demand to aid in submitting gifts that contain designations to specific funds or ministries.

CBF South Carolina currently retains 45% of undesignated contributions to support our annual Ministry Budget (create a link to our current fiscal year document).  The remaining 55% of undesignated contributions are passed through to CBF Global for their general budget.

ONLINE: Click here (https://cbfsc.org/giving/) to make a donation.  You can also set up recurring donations through this link.

BY MAIL:  Send your check payable to CBF South Carolina (CBFSC), P.O. Box 11159, Columbia, SC 29211. To designate your individual gift, including in honor/memory of someone, indicate so in the memo line, or email office@cbfsc.org with instructions and/or acknowledgements.

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of  South Carolina (CBFSC) is a not-for-profit organization, and your gifts are tax-deductible.

FOR HELP: If you need assistance with making a donation, or to request offering envelopes, please e-mail office@cbfsc.org, or call us at 803-779-1888.


Invest in the future of CBF South Carolina

To make a gift to CBFCS through your will or estate plans, contact our office at 803-779-1888, or email office@cbfsc.org.